Socialist India

lndia Socialist Alternative

An introduction to socialism and a Socialist Alternative

The world is at a crossroads. Rife with social turmoil, economic inequality, precarious employment, financial crises, violence and most importantly facing a looming environmental collapse, we can see by the rise of incidences of depressive and anxiety disorders the effect

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Kalakshetra sexual harassment: nothing new in the academic world

In a whirlwind week for the prestigious classical academy, accusations of sexual harassment against Kalakshetra faculty in Chennai quickly developed into a massive scandal involving open student protests, a shabby and ham-fisted attempt at a cover-up, and an investigation by

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Trumped-up charges against Rahul Gandhi exposes weakness of the government

But a genuinely Left alternative is needed to fight the BJP’s agenda    On March 23, Congress Party’s most prominent leader Rahul Gandhi was disqualified as a Lok Sabha MP less than 24 hours after he was convicted and sentenced to

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Tamil Nadu: DMK attempts to give us the business

In a shameful and undemocratic fashion the government of Tamil Nadu has passed, then almost immediately retracted, a bill granting big business a victory it has fought long and hard for–the power to impose a 12-hour work day. This policy

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Karnataka Elections 2023

Understanding The Political Origins Karnataka was created in 1956 by merging all Kannada speaking regions. Because these regions were overlapping between other regions, even today these differences are visible ideologically. There is large scale wealth concentration in the southern part

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1 May. The Working Class is Back! For an International Socialist Alternative to Capitalist Permacrisis

The working class is back. Since May Day 2022, there has been an important upturn in the activity of the multiracial, multi-gendered and multigenerational workers’ movement. It has been active in struggles across the world — shaking the regimes of

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Canada: Fighting Caste Discrimination in British Columbia

In December 2018, BC taxi driver Manoj Bhangu was physically assaulted at a workplace Christmas party by two of his co-workers when a business dispute got out of control. In the course of the assault, the two men attacked Bhangu

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International Womens Day. Fight the Right Wing Backlash with Socialist Feminism

International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023 approaches as the wave of women leading movements and struggle against oppression and capitalist exploitation continues to develop, often explosively. The dire consequences of war, mass hunger, climate destruction, political crisis and social breakdown falls

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US. Seattle’s Working People Won the Nation’s First Ban on Caste Discrimination

Originally published by The Nation. Standing in the Seattle City Council chambers on February 21, an Indian-American tech worker named Naresh recalled the caste discrimination he has faced beginning at age 5 in India. His voice quivered with anger as he thought about

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China’s mass revolt – where now?

Most significant protests since the 1989 Democracy Movement At the time of writing police are massing in Chinese cities in an effort to stamp out the recent protest wave. Protests continue at universities. The coming weekend could see new street

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