Socialist India

International Socialist Alternative

Nanguneri attack shows failure of DMK to confront casteism in the land of Periyar

Closing in on the 50th anniversary of Periyar’s death, the affliction of caste is a disease which, in resisting total annihilation, is resurging in new and insidious forms. The organizations of dominant OBC’s fly caste flags, posters and banners, even

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Pakistan: Exorbitant Power Bills Trigger Countrywide Protests

In recent weeks, Pakistan has been swept by mass protests, as people across the country have expressed their anger over the hikes in electricity bills enforced by the unelected caretaker government led by Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar. What initially ignited in Pakistan-Occupied

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Justice for Mohammad Saad and other victims of Bajrang Dal

22-year-old Mohammad Saad, Naib Imam of Anjuman Jama Masjid, was sleeping around midnight on the day of the Gurgaon riots. His plan for the day, according to his brother, was to wake up early, recite his morning prayers and return

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8th July Public Meeting. Lessons From Seattle: How The 2023 Anti-Caste Discrimination Law Was Won

For the over a billlion people living in the Indian subcontinent, as well as crores in the diaspora around the world, jativaad, or casteism, is an ongoing present-day nightmare, not something consigned to our history books. Now, thanks in part

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An introduction to socialism and a Socialist Alternative

The world is at a crossroads. Rife with social turmoil, economic inequality, precarious employment, financial crises, violence and most importantly facing a looming environmental collapse, we can see by the rise of incidences of depressive and anxiety disorders the effect

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Kalakshetra sexual harassment: nothing new in the academic world

In a whirlwind week for the prestigious classical academy, accusations of sexual harassment against Kalakshetra faculty in Chennai quickly developed into a massive scandal involving open student protests, a shabby and ham-fisted attempt at a cover-up, and an investigation by

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Trumped-up charges against Rahul Gandhi exposes weakness of the government

But a genuinely Left alternative is needed to fight the BJP’s agenda    On March 23, Congress Party’s most prominent leader Rahul Gandhi was disqualified as a Lok Sabha MP less than 24 hours after he was convicted and sentenced to

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Tamil Nadu: DMK attempts to give us the business

In a shameful and undemocratic fashion the government of Tamil Nadu has passed, then almost immediately retracted, a bill granting big business a victory it has fought long and hard for–the power to impose a 12-hour work day. This policy

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Karnataka Elections 2023

Understanding The Political Origins Karnataka was created in 1956 by merging all Kannada speaking regions. Because these regions were overlapping between other regions, even today these differences are visible ideologically. There is large scale wealth concentration in the southern part

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1 May. The Working Class is Back! For an International Socialist Alternative to Capitalist Permacrisis

The working class is back. Since May Day 2022, there has been an important upturn in the activity of the multiracial, multi-gendered and multigenerational workers’ movement. It has been active in struggles across the world — shaking the regimes of

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