Socialist India

lndia Socialist Alternative

Farmers Resume their Protest in “Dilli Chalo” march

The New Delhi border looks like an international conflict zone with multiple layers of barricades, concrete blocks, barbed wire and iron nail spikes on the road. More than 50,000 paramilitary troops, equipped with sonic weapons, drones, tear gas and even

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Heroic Farmers Movement Wins Concessions from Right-Wing Modi Government

After nearly a year long protest by farmers, their largest mobilization in India in over half a century, the right-wing authoritarian government of Modi has finally caved and given in to the demands of the farmers. This momentous achievement shows

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After the ‘Tractor Parade’: Escalate Joint Workers’ and Farmers’ Protests!

Every Indian child grows up singing and learning the slogan ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ at school. It means: ‘long live the soldier, long live the farmer’. At the moment these two groups, that are said to form the backbone of

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Indian Farmers’ Protest: Supreme Court Suspends Laws, Struggle Continues

India’s Supreme Court has decided to suspend the BJP government’s contested agriculture laws. This is an expression of the enormous social pressure to reverse the liberalisation of agriculture. The farmers however are not fooled: suspension is not enough, the laws

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Massive Protest Puts Modi Under Fire

The protest against the Hindu nationalist regime of Narendra Modi of the BJP is growing to phenomenal proportions. A well-organised farmers’ protest keeps the capital Delhi in its grip. At the same time, on 26 November, there was a colossal

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