Socialist India

lndia Socialist Alternative

Pakistan: Exorbitant Power Bills Trigger Countrywide Protests

In recent weeks, Pakistan has been swept by mass protests, as people across the country have expressed their anger over the hikes in electricity bills enforced by the unelected caretaker government led by Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar. What initially ignited in Pakistan-Occupied

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1 May. The Working Class is Back! For an International Socialist Alternative to Capitalist Permacrisis

The working class is back. Since May Day 2022, there has been an important upturn in the activity of the multiracial, multi-gendered and multigenerational workers’ movement. It has been active in struggles across the world — shaking the regimes of

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Canada: Fighting Caste Discrimination in British Columbia

In December 2018, BC taxi driver Manoj Bhangu was physically assaulted at a workplace Christmas party by two of his co-workers when a business dispute got out of control. In the course of the assault, the two men attacked Bhangu

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US. Seattle’s Working People Won the Nation’s First Ban on Caste Discrimination

Originally published by The Nation. Standing in the Seattle City Council chambers on February 21, an Indian-American tech worker named Naresh recalled the caste discrimination he has faced beginning at age 5 in India. His voice quivered with anger as he thought about

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China’s mass revolt – where now?

Most significant protests since the 1989 Democracy Movement At the time of writing police are massing in Chinese cities in an effort to stamp out the recent protest wave. Protests continue at universities. The coming weekend could see new street

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Sri Lanka. Mass Storming of Presidential Palace Forces Gotabaya Rajapaksa out of Power

The revolution continues, the whole system has to go! Fast-paced events in crisis-ridden Sri Lanka have taken yet a new turn today, Saturday 9 July, as hundreds of thousands of people descended onto the capital Colombo in a day of

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Sri Lanka: Appointment of Ranil Wickremesinghe Will Not Fix Anything

After weeks of mass protests, strikes, and general strikes across Sri Lanka, which included earlier this week an elementary explosion of popular fury at the country’s ruling elite following a violent attack perpetrated by armed pro-regime thugs against the ‘GotaGoGama’

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Sri Lanka: PM Resigns After Counter-Revolutionary Assault Provokes Furious Response

Events have taken a frenetic pace in Sri Lanka over the last 72 hours. Nothing short of a revolutionary crisis has developed, one that is likely to be a forerunner of similar upheavals in other countries. On the morning of

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Historic “Hartal” Grinds Sri Lanka to a Halt

Responding to a joint appeal issued by over 2,000 trade unions, a countrywide ‘Hartal’ (total strike) brought Sri Lanka to a halt today, Friday 6th. The hartal, the largest in 69 years, was a resounding success. The Railway Joint Trade

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May 1: International Workers’ Day — Workers of the World Unite Against Decaying Capitalism

“The burdens of war will consume the best energies of the peoples for decades, endanger the achievements of social reform, and hinder every step forward. Cultural devastation, economic decline, political reaction these are the blessings of this horrible conflict of

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